Cathy Fyock’s Hall of Fame

Come meet all of Cathy’s successful graduates! They’ve written books on all different subjects with all different styles, but they’ve all been finished and their authors are off to the races. Have a look to get ideas for yourself, and to remind yourself that, yes, you can do it!

  • Command the Crisis: Navigate Chaos with Battle-Tested Public Relations and Communication Strategies with Angela Billings

    Are you ready for the inevitable?

    A plane crashes with the CEO on board. Your product is contaminated and people die. Your company’s oil rig blows up. Police shoot and kill and set off a firestorm of controversy. A toxic spill occurs when your company’s train derails. Your CFO is embezzling. Troops are deployed. A school shooter kills students. A plane flies into a skyscraper.

    Need a crisis? Pick one. If you’re a PR professional working in a corporation, startup, small business, or nonprofit, you’ll have to deal with a crisis. When. Not if. Are you prepared to deal with the media? Hold a press conference? Prepare talking points for the CEO? Provide media training? Get a handle on your brand and keep the facts front and center?

    Veteran PR and career military communication expert Angela Billings has learned the ropes the hard way—under fire and under pressure in war zones around the world. Who better to provide the wisdom to deal with crisis than someone who has put out media blazes from Kabul to Korea to Kentucky?

    To order your copy follow this link.

    Cathy came highly recommended and was wonderful to work with to keep my thoughts organized and my writing on track. She encouraged me to step into the unique crisis experiences I had in the military and demonstrate how businesses could benefit from that niche skill set. Cathy’s insight into what my reader needed from my book was spot on. I am delighted with the end product, how it has changed my speaking career and catapulted my business.

  • The 24/7 Solution: Proven Strategies for Home Care Business Leaders with Emily Isbell


    Emily Isbell almost called it quits in 2016 when her home care business began to take over her life. Instead, she found the keys to reclaiming her time and cultivating a thriving career in the industry. By October 2020, Emily had developed the necessary systems to scale the organization to seven locations, serving one million hours of care per year.

    The 24/7 Solution: Proven Strategies for Home Care Business Leaders is your essential guide to navigating the relentless demands of round-the-clock home care. The 24/7 Solution will show you how to successfully:

    • Ensure administrative team leaders are pursuing the same goals even in your absence
    • Develop the necessary KPIs that will bring your business increased revenues and profits
    • Structure your teams to optimize your business’s needs with the least administrative expense

    Ready to run a home care business that doesn’t run you? Let The 24/7 Solution show you how!

    To order your copy follow this link.

    Cathy provided the framework I needed to break down the book into bite size achievable steps. I was able to balance being a mom of an infant, building my business, and writing a book in a relatively short amount of time. When I tell people how long it took me they are always in awe. Her support made it possible.

  • Lessons From the Drive-Thru: Real Life Wisdom for Frontline Leaders with Monica Rothgery

    It Was Never About the Tacos!

    Leading a team is hard. There is immense pressure to deliver results while leading a team of unique, diverse individuals. As a Taco Bell manager, Monica Rothgery tried muscling her way through, working extremely hard, only to produce mediocre results. Over time, she learned that her job was not to run the business but to lead the team. Once leadership became the focus, turnover decreased, the customer experience improved, and the business grew.

    In Lessons from the Drive-Thru: Real Life Wisdom for Frontline Leaders, Monica uses stories from behind the counter to illustrate the power of true servant leadership.

     I written 17,000 words in six months when I started working with Cathy. Three months later my manuscript was complete. She guided me through editing , hiring a publisher and made sure I had a robust marketing launch strategy. Beyond grateful to Cathy!

    To order a copy follow this link.

  • Laughter Makes You Stronger with Darlene Davies

    The world needs more smiles and laughter, a sense of belonging and hope. Laughter Makes You Stronger is a collection of heartfelt stories that brings us smiles, laughter and tears. It is about family, the human heart, love, laughter and the power of human connection. Included are stories about childhood before digital technology, teenage romance, learning from aging parents and the challenges, tribulations and joys of life’s journey.

    To purchase this book follow this link.

    Cathy’s weekly PAGES writing sessions were just what I needed when writing my first book. It was interesting to hear other writers talk about their challenges and their achievements, and they all made me feel less alone in this writing journey. The sessions were full of valuable information, tips and encouragement. They helped me transform from wondering if I was good enough to believing that I must share my stories.

    Thank you Cathy and Allie!

  • The People-Pleasers Guide to Co-Parenting Well: How to Stop Playing Peacekeeper and Start Parenting Peacefully with Mikki Gardner

    The People-Pleasers Guide to Co-Parenting Well reveals how prioritizing peacekeeping may hinder your ability to co-parent successfully. Through a simple framework, you will learn where people pleasing may be holding you back and how to shift into being an intentional, in-control, and purpose-driven parent.

    The People-Pleasers Guide to Co-Parenting Well will show you how to:

    • Stop being the peacekeeper and start parenting peacefully even when your ex doesn’t reciprocate
    • Learn to stop living on autopilot and start navigating where YOU want to go
    • Stop getting triggered and learn to take 100% “Response-Ability” for your 50% of the situation
    • Learn how to have your own back so you can consistently be proud of the co-parent you are being

    Let The People-Pleasers Guide to Co-Parenting Well show you how to break free from the harmful habit of pleasing others and start creating your own calm in the chaos today!

    To order your copy follow this link.

  • Picasso Pumpkin: 21 Curated Art Dates to Grow Creativity with Ann Mitchell

    Many people do not consider themselves to be creative. Did you know that creativity is in our DNA? It is one of the reasons we thrive and flourish. You may just need a spark to find yours.

    The book is designed to help you tap into your creative self and, in turn, help you encourage creativity in the special child in your life. The variety of the Art Dates are designed so that anyone can find one that is to their and their child’s tastes.

    To order your copy follow this link.

  • About Face: How Airway Dentistry Can Open Your Path to Healing and Wellbeing with Sheryl Pomerance

    90% of the population reaches adulthood with underdeveloped midfaces and lower jaws. This causes lots of crowding—the teeth, tongue, tonsils, and adenoids are crowded. The nasal septum deviates to one side or the other, ears get congested. The airway is restricted, and the body responds by shifting into the Sympathetic Nervous System. Living in low-level sympathetic mode erodes health. This can contribute to anxiety, headaches, low thyroid, ADHD/ADD symptoms, Obstructive Sleep Apnea, and many other common mental or physical health conditions.

    Dr. Pomerance was part of that 90%. In About Face, she shares her Airway Dentistry expertise regarding face size and health outcomes stemming from years of continuing education, her personal health struggles, and decades of clinical experience.

    Follow this link to order your copy.

  • Building a Dream: The Persimmon Ridge Story with Lawren Just

    What would it take for you to make your dreams a reality?

    Most people have a vision of what they would like to do in their life or what they would like to be. For many, the reality is that we become what our circumstances allow, whether because of upbringing, schooling, life situations, or needing to earn a living. Few get to pursue their “dream” life, and sometimes those same life circumstances dictate that pursuit.

    Building a Dream: The Persimmon Ridge Story shows you that a pursuit of a dream is often not the “easy road” to take. Ultimately, though, if it is what your heart desires, the pursuit becomes your life. This book tells the story of the pursuit of a dream. In reading it, you will learn:

    • Going after a dream takes full dedication to it
    • Family and friends provide critical support and must understand the pursuit
    • Finances can sometimes present an issue
    • Risk is probable and must be accepted
    • Faith in yourself and those working with you is paramount

    Building a Dream shares all of the above and helps you to understand the pursuit is only half the challenge—the reality is the prize. Pursue your dreams!

    Follow this link to order your copy.

    Thank you so much for getting me to completion on this book!  It is a great feeling of relief to have this story documented to pass on to future generations, homeowners, and golfers.


  • Unbranded with Henrietta Pepper
    Henrietta Pepper’s UNBRANDED: Emerge a Brand New You offers readers a unique approach to discovering and strengthening their personal brand. Her methodology encourages reflection and exploration rather than adopting cookie-cutter concepts. Henrietta understands that personal branding is a deeply individual process, thus readers will be able to harness their own journey of self-discovery with the help of essential guidelines.

    Through thought-provoking exercises and engaging story sharing, readers are invited to uncover their passions, strengths, and values to express themselves authentically. UNBRANDED creates a safe space for readers seeking a personal brand to empower themselves and embrace their uniqueness. The outcome is an ownable brand that resonates with the reader’s truest self.

    I am delighted to share my thoughts about my recent 3-day VIP Writing Experience with Cathy.  As an author embarking on my second book, UNBRANDED:  Emerge a Brand New You, I found the experience motivational, inspirational and very productive.  I made remarkable progress and hit the goals I had going into the collaborative session. Throughout our time together, Cathy provided valuable insights, guidance and feedback.  She helped spark new ideas while keeping me focused on what we had set out to accomplish.
    I worked with Cathy on my debut book, Out of the Gate:  What inspires you drives you forward.  During that time, she was instrumental in shaping my storytelling writing style and author voice. We were able to build on those fundamentals during the VIP experience.  Her continued encouragement and support has taken my writing to new heights I couldn’t have reached alone.
    I wholeheartedly recommend Cathy to any author seeking a transformative and inspiring journey towards creating their best work.
  • Harvesting Success: How to grow your company the farm-to-business way with Renea Sageser

    Are you tired of navigating complex corporate landscapes? Feel your business growth is a barren field? The challenges you face in cultivating a thriving company seem overwhelming, but fear not! Harvesting Success: How to grow your company the farm-to-business way is here to plow through the challenges, helping you sow seeds of sustainable growth!

    To purchase your copy, follow this link.

    I wanted to take a moment to express my deepest gratitude for all your support and guidance in the journey of turning “Harvesting Success” into a #1 bestseller in three categories! Thank you for being on the podcast yesterday. That also meant a lot to me.

    I couldn’t have done it without your unwavering commitment and belief in my project. Your coaching really did help me to shape my book. Your expertise, encouragement, and invaluable insights have been invaluable to me.

    Thank you for everything throughout this process. I feel fortunate to have had the opportunity to work with someone as talented and supportive as you.

  • Turning Intuition Into Science: Harnessing The Power Of Organizational Network Analysis with Deborah Peck

    Do you have people issues within your organization that never seem to improve, no matter how you address them?

    Maybe you know or have a sense of who is involved, what is happening, and even have an idea of how to resolve it. Organizational Network Analysis (ONA) helps you identify what is really happening and offers effective strategies for overcoming it. The people within your organization are speaking to you through their behavior, how they work with others, and what they naturally offer to your organization.

    In Turning Intuition Into Science, Deborah Peck will demonstrate to you how ONA can:

    • Help you diagnose the right issues at the heart of your people issues.
    • Give you a visual understanding and supporting metrics that confirm the analysis.
    • “Turn your intuition into science” by confirming it or finding other information to determine how work is really getting done, what is happening in the workplace, and its impact on the organization’s goals, objectives, or overall effectiveness.

    Turning Intuition Into Science provides you with the tools and information needed to start tackling those seemingly perennial problems. Wouldn’t you like to increase retention, engagement, productivity, communication, collaboration, and customer satisfaction to improve overall organizational effectiveness using solutions that stick? Find out how ONA can transform how your organization solves issues for the better!

    I was so happy to have someone who understood what I do with my work and could guide me on a journey that initially seemed unsurmountable. It wasn’t impossible with Cathy’s guidance, support and of course, awesome coaching techniques and ability. She has written many books herself, so she shares information that she knows works. She got me through the tough times – and there were many! She helped me find a writing style that suited me and writing became easier. Thank you Cathy!

    To order your copy, follow this link.

  • Reimagine Your Work with Wendy Cocke

    Do you wish you had more control over your own career development? It’s time to take control back and decide where you want to go next professionally on your own.

    Having a fulfilling and interesting career isn’t always about moving up – it’s a journey, not a ladder. Sometimes, a career move is about skill-building over promotion, but it’s up to you to break free from the constraints of a traditional corporate system to figure out what’s next..

    The trick is to run your own career like it’s a small business and you’re the product. This allows you to give your career the attention to grow in ways that can increase your own cross-functional exposure and training while ensuring you’re happy at work.

    By running your career like a small business, Reimagine your Work can help you:

    • Understand and manage your personal brand
    • Develop a career strategy that works for your specific needs
    • Invest in yourself and those around you

    When you work for yourself while you work for your company everyone wins.

    To order your copy, follow this link.

  • Unraveling Ambition with Valia Glytsis

    Unraveling Ambition will guide you through practical leadership insights, universally relatable first-generation stories, and deep existential and spiritual musings – all sprinkled with humor and heart.

    Written for emerging and established leaders alike, Unraveling Ambition offers a provocative and timely perspective on replacing assumptions and inherited rules with authenticity and personal freedom.

    Those willing to take the unraveling journey will learn how to:
    ● Question inherited patterns and rethink their value and relevance
    ● Identify core values and strengths to lead life and make conscious choices
    ● Learn industry-leading, transformational leadership tips, tools and hacks
    ● Activate more personal energy, gravitas, and confidence
    ● Explore the more spiritual, quantum side of leadership
    ● Redefine one’s personal relationship with goals, urgency, and ambition

    To purchase your copy follow this link.

    Working with Cathy was the oxygen that my writing needed to transform a manuscript into my first book! Cathy’s candor, wisdom, and experience helped to propel me with both motivation and accountability. Not only was I able to complete my book with Cathy’s partnership but also elevate its perspective to ensure the audience was at center stage. I found Cathy very generous with her time and teachings and loved how she specializes in helping business leaders and entrepreneurs elevate their businesses through writing and publishing a book. This is a very special niche and she is its perfect leader. Thank you, Cathy!! More to come!

  • Joy-Powered Networking with JoDee Curtis and Christine Burrows

    For many people, networking creates a sense of dread, fear, or stress. But what if it could bring you joy? In JoyPowered® Networking, power networkers JoDee Curtis and Christine Burrows share their advice, experiences, and lessons they’ve learned about creating meaningful and joyful connections.

    JoyPowered® Networking provides inspiration and tactics to help you:

    • Define your networking goals
    • Assess the value of a networking opportunity
    • Give as much (or more!) to the relationship as you receive
    • Assess the appropriate amount of commitment needed
    • Master the art of networking

    Are you ready to become a JoyPowered® networker? Find the joy in your network and get the best from your connections today!

    To order your copy follow this link.

    Cathy is outstanding as both a group leader and a coach, and her resources, guides, and referral partners were a significant bonus.   Cathy exceeded all of my expectations along the book writing process from writing prompts, to time management, to thought provoking questions, she continued to challenge us to think creatively.  Although I wrote four books before working with Cathy, I’ll never write another one without her!

    –JoDee Curtis, CSP, SHRM-SCP, CPA


  • FEELING STUCK? Empower Yourself to Live a Happier, More Fulfilling Life with Nicole Hollar

    Do you feel stuck in a rut, or like you are on an automated path to your destiny? Feeling Stuck? is a roadmap for personal transformation and empowerment. It brings the successful teachings of a private coaching program to a broader audience by guiding the reader through relatable examples and thought-provoking discussions and questions.

    ● Are you ready to stop reacting to life and take control?
    ● Do you find yourself in the same loop over and over?
    ● Are you afraid of failing, or that you are trying to reach standards that are not your own?
    ● Do you feel like who you really are and what you do just don’t align?
    ● Are you all-in in one area of life, but faltering in other areas?

    If you said “yes” to any of those, “Feeling Stuck?” will guide you through the 10 Tenets of Mindset Transformation necessary for personal empowerment so you can create the life you love.

    Cathy did an excellent job of hearing my vision, then helping me mold it into a comprehensive book and downloadable companion workbook. She guided me and held me accountable while also making quality suggestions about book length readability. Cathy’s suggestion that I pull out many of the interactive questions from my book to become a downloadable companion workbook made the main book a reasonable length, and created a draw to my website to grow my list.

    I appreciate that Cathy helped me to see the larger picture.

    To order your copy follow this link.

  • The Mistakes That Make Us: Cultivating a Culture of Learning and Innovation with Mark Graban

    Sharing stories and insights from his popular podcast, “My Favorite Mistake,” along with his own work experiences, Graban shows how leaders can cultivate a culture of learning from mistakes. Including examples from manufacturing, healthcare, software, and two whiskey distillers, the book explores how organizations of all sizes and industries can benefit from this approach. You’ll read stories from leaders at Toyota, the technology company KaiNexus, along with former U.S. Representative Will Hurd, Kevin Harrington from “Shark Tank,” and many others.

    I’ve worked with Cathy twice now and she provides so much kind and constructive support — about the book concept, the business model around it, the writing process, getting it published, and more. Beyond her experience and advice, she always has a helpful connection and introduction to make when specialized help and partners are needed.

    To order your copy, follow this link.

  • Hold Back the Rain with Michelle Vignault

    A gripping true story about a family unraveling – and how one woman regains her mental health and finds solace after becoming a widow.

    To order your copy, follow this link.

    Cathy was able to serve as a champion, educator, and mentor during the process of working together. I could not have completed this book without the support and drive that Cathy continues to provide her clients. Say yes to working with Cathy!

  • The Color of Emotional Intelligence with Farah Harris

    It takes strength not to curse someone out when they’re being rude, or not to lose it when your child is being disobedient. It is also emotionally taxing to keep it all together when you are on the receiving end of a microaggression.

    Each of these instances requires us to use our emotional intelligence (or EQ). And, while it is a basic skill, there are more shades to emotional intelligence than you might think. Emotional intelligence can also be used to break barriers to equity.

    In The Color of Emotional Intelligence, psychotherapist and well-being expert Farah Harris uses personal stories, anecdotes, and insight to discuss:

    • The fundamentals of emotional intelligence and barriers to practicing EQ effectively
    • How emotional intelligence is used as a survival skill by marginalized people
    • Different types of stressors, including microaggressions, and resulting unhealthy defensive tactics, such as code-switching and masking
    • Self-care strategies for handling systemic stressors that affect people from marginalized groups
    • Tools everyone can use to elevate their emotional intelligence to address inequities and become better stewards of humanity

    Don’t go through life seeing things in black and white. It’s time to see the world in color.

    To order your copy follow this link.

    Working with Cathy was like having a coach, mom, and cheerleader all in one! She provided great insight, encouragement, direction, and space. And I needed the space, LOL. It was clear throughout my writing journey that Cathy is determined to get all her authors to the finish line, no matter what. And an author (especially a new one) needs that.

    Also, Cathy provides such a beautiful and supportive community of fellow authors! These weekly meetings offered so much! New relationships, tips, and a dedicated time to writing if you happened to have fallen short during the week. There’s so much to glean from these sessions with her and Allie.

    Lastly, I appreciate the resources that Cathy provides her authors. Whether it’s a writer’s retreat, webinars, referrals to publishers, or her blogs, there’s always something that helps to elevate one’s writing and helps you to have a successful book launch and marketing. I recommend working with Cathy if you need that needed push toward greatness.

  • Ascend: Preparing for Your Ministry Mountain with Dana Grindal

    Dana Grindal’s second book, Ascend, is an equipping manual for prayer ministry and leadership. It contains basic, essential training that will prepare you to navigate the fast-paced adventure of ministry and ascend your ministry mountain.

    Purchase your copy of Ascend.

    Working with Cathy is such a joy! She is inspiring, experienced, talented and intentional. She pulls out the best in her authors and provides a positive uplifting community. Don’t wait any longer. Contact her today and get started on your book!

  • Making Flex Work (the workbook) with Wendy Cocke

    Whether it is flexibility that you want, or a part-time schedule, or just more control, the pages of this workbook will be there to support you.

    Over her professional career, Wendy has benefited personally from using these tools, and she’s shared them with countless others as they have taken their own journey to customizing their time.

    You do not have to have finished reading “Making Flex Work: Defining Success on Your Own Terms” to use this workbook, but feel comfort knowing that it follows the EVALuation method outlined in the book. To help you, this workbook pulls out the most important tidbits from the book and put them alongside each tool, so you can get the most from it.

    Tools include:

    • The EVALuation Method and Refection Questions
    • Weekly Working Time Trackers
    • Schedule Optimization Tool
    • Flexible Work Arrangement Templates

    Best of luck defining success on your own terms!

    I hadn’t even considered a companion workbook until I was in a 5-day workshop with Cathy. Her insights into how to create additional value from my book for both myself and my speaking/training clients was the inspiration I needed to pull it all together.

    To order your copy, email Wendy directly at

  • Bundle Your Brilliance with Nancy Giere

    Have you been thinking about creating an online course?

    • People say I should package and sell what I do . . . and I don’t know how to begin.
    • I’d love to create predictable passive income using my expertise . . . and I don’t know how to make that happen.
    • I barely have enough time for everything I’m already doing . . . although an online course would be a great addition to my business.

    If that’s the case, then this book is exactly what you need.

    Finally, an easy-to-follow, step-by -step process to create engaging online courses.

    Nancy Giere has worked on just about any kind of project you could imagine, with an enormous breadth of experience across many industries.This book is a summary of that vast knowledge and experience.

    Qu estionnaires, checklists, and links to important resources simplify the process. Step by step, Nancy gives you the insights you need and tells you not only what to do but how to do it!

    Working with Cathy was one of the best investments I’ve made. I would have never completed my book without her guidance and support!

    To order your copy of Bundle Your Brilliance, follow this link.

  • Winning the War for Talent with Kevin Stakelum

    Companies claim that they cannot find the talent that they need while millions of job seekers claim that they are not even being considered for current or future openings. Salaries are increasing as companies try to lure more candidates to their positions, but that has not seemed to fix the issue. If you are a manager in any size business, you will learn how to improve business outcomes through the partnership of all involved in this important process. Let talent acquisition expert Kevin Stakelum share 35+ years of wisdom with you, including:

    • Step-by-step practices for managers to get involved in the hiring process
    • Tips for selection of the best candidates
    • Data-based decision makingImprove your business and financial outcomes through the use of your talent processDiversity recruiting
    • Flexible resourcing
    • Forecasting and other business-based activities.

    The companies that win this competition will be able to provide career growth and trajectory in a much broader sense than what has been done in the past. Is your company set up to be agile, candidate-driven, and flexible? Begin Winning the War for Talent today!

    Cathy was a recommended resource from a trusted colleague who had working knowledge of her work. This was my first attempt at writing a book, so I found her exercises, resources and weekly calls to be extremely helpful. It was very useful to spend time with others who were also trusting Cathy to help them to write their books.

    Even with these resources, there was a point where I was struggling to translate my ideas into a book that others would enjoy. Cathy helped me to re-direct my frustration and helped me to focus on ways to continue the creative process. Without her direct encouragement< may have just given up. She literally helped to save the process by giving specific suggestions and updates that allowed me to be able to fulfill the vision that had led me to begin to write the book. I highly recommend her services to anyone considering writing a book of their own!

    To order your copy of Winning the War for Talent, follow this link.

  • The Author vs. Editor Dilemma: The Leadership Secret to Unlocking Your Team, Your Time, and Your Impact with Brandon Smith

    Do you feel overwhelmed by the constant demands on your time? Are you exhausted from handling the never-ending crises of your team? Are you drained by the ceaseless list of changing priorities that come from your leader? If “understaffed and overworked” describes you perfectly and you fear there may be no end in sight, this book is for you.

    Despite what you may have been told, you don’t have a time management or “prioritization” problem – you have a seat problem. The solution to reclaiming control of your life and winning back hours in your week is to overcome and master “The Author vs. Editor Dilemma.” Through this book, you will be equipped with the tools to:

    • Lead your team to take ownership, show initiative and display critical thinking to solve challenges without you;
    • Reclaim your time so you spend more time working “on” the business rather than “in” the business; and
    • Maximize your impact by learning the art of “clienteling” as you guide your supervisor’s decisions and influence your organization’s direction.

    Brandon Smith draws on his extensive experience as an executive coach to share illustrative examples of leaders who have transformed their chaotic and frenzied schedules into focused and streamlined strategies by utilizing the practical tools set forth in this book.

    Bursting with innovative ideas, practical examples and easily implementable approaches, “The Author vs. Editor Dilemma” will transform how you think about the structure and organization of your daily interactions. It will help you maximize any vertical relationship, from leading your team to influencing your manager.

    This is the second writing project that I have enlisted Cathy for her guidance and expertise. With Cathy’s help, I’ve published two books that I am proud of and that my clients have found applicable and practical to their everyday leadership. I am grateful to Cathy for her time and thoughtful attention to my work. She showed up to every checkpoint meeting with thorough feedback, helpful suggestions, and the right amount of encouragement and accountability. Cathy’s positive approach and wise coaching led me through the often painful and sometimes lonely process of writing and helped me feel empowered and capable to complete the daunting task of finishing a book.

    To order your copy follow this link.

  • Count Me In with Susan Allen

    One woman’s story of career, leadership, and family

    Discover what is holding you back from the career you were meant to have, the promotion you didn’t receive, and the risk you were afraid to accept.

    Count Me In is the memoir of the trailblazer Susan Allen, one of Canada’s Top 100 Most Powerful Women. She shares her deeply personal and professional leadership journey (including all her wrong turns) as she answers the question she hears most from young women: “How did you do it?”

    If you feel stuck in the talent pipeline at your company, suffer from imposter syndrome or perfectionism, or wish to achieve better work-life balance, Count Me In is for you.

    Susan’s journey to the top gives professional women the opportunity to learn strategies to:

    • Ask for a promotion and accept you have earned it,
    • Avoid risk averse behaviours that limit your growth and potential,
    • Acknowledge and kick mom guilt to the curb, and
    • Overcome life’s inevitable setbacks.

    I am grateful to have found Cathy Fyock in the early stages of my three year writing journey. I attended her writing workshops two summers ago, not only to help tame my negative inner voice, but to simply set aside the time to sit down and write, write, write (as opposed to write, edit, edit and more edit.) I was fortunate to make the acquaintance of a fellow writer in this workshop, who became my writing accountability buddy, all while learning a ton of useful tips and value in Cathy’s approach to the business of writing. I felt Cathy’s warm support and encouragement always, and soaked up her sage advice as a knowledgeable business book strategist. I continue to benefit from Cathy’s tribe of subject matter experts in the book and publishing areas who are regular guests on Cathy’s free master classes. Cathy’s books, ‘On Your Mark’ and ‘The Speaker Author’ helped me learn the nuts and bolts of writing, and how to use my book as a promotional tool for speaking engagements.

    To purchase your copy follow this link.

  • The Can-Do Mindset: How to Make Things Happen . . . with Enthusiasm with Denise Gabel

    Spend an hour with Denise. It will change your life. . . . or several hours as you invite Denise Gabel’s can-do mindset into your life.

    Today. Right now. Because anything is possible. You can take on anything.

    Denise is a Can-do-ologist™. Didn’t know that was a thing? Well, you will soon, as you learn how anything is possible with a can-do mindset. Her hand is stretched out, inviting you to stand in your authentic power, generate your own happiness, and help your company create a vibe that attracts can-doers.

    The Can-Do Mindset will . . .

    • Empower you to take action, even during times when it’s hard to realize that can is still in your vocabulary. Trust me, it never left.
    • Uncover how the greatest power that you have isn’t perfected in a gym . . . it is built from within. There is power in choice—more power than you know.
    • Give you permission to focus on accomplishing the right things, despite the circumstances.

    Imagine what living with a can-do mindset can do for you. Denise knows the possibilities that await. She lives this and helps others live it, too. Are you ready? Let’s go! What can we do?!

    Even a Can-do-ologist needs a coach. Cathy encouraged me through the entire process. She helped me get started, she was there to nudge me forward, and she connected me with the resources I needed to turn my manuscript into an international bestseller. Thank you Cathy.

    To order your copy follow this link.

  • Making Flex Work: Defining Success on Your Own Terms with Wendy Cocke

    Does the idea of a nontraditional work schedule elicit fear in you? What about excitement?

    Either way, it’s time to broaden your perspective on what professional success can look like. Even if you’re a ‘yes’ person, who struggles with the guilt of letting people down if you challenge the status quo, you can.

    It’s time to reframe your professional life and consider customizing a schedule that works best for all the parts of your life.

    Using simple engineering principles and some psychology, this book can help you:

    • Get where you want to go using the 4-step EVALuation method
    • Proactively manage your presence to build your personal brand
    • Get what’s right for you when it comes to work/life balance
    • Support flexibility in your organization

    Above all, you will discover that by redefining your professional boundaries, you will be able to do your best work while simultaneously being the best version of yourself at home too.

    Cathy was just what I needed when I needed it. Her calm and consistent approach gave me the confidence I needed to write and publish my first book. The community I found in her PAGES group each week has developed into true friendships and I can’t imagine going through the process without them (and her). If you think you have a book in you, Cathy can help you find it and get out into the world.

    To order your copy follow this link.

  • Singlehandedly. Learning to Unhide and Embrace Connection with Ruth Rathblott

    What are you hiding?

    Chances are there is something about you that makes you different, that makes you feel you don’t belong. Many of us hide—our ethnicity, sexuality, mental health, disability, religion…the list goes on. The diversity and inclusion movement has emboldened some to come out of the shadows. But too often, disability is not included in that conversation.

    Ruth Rathblott was born with a limb difference. In her compelling and intimate memoir, she recounts the exhausting and often lonely years she spent overachieving and trying to hide her disability before she learned to unhide. She takes us on a journey of self-discovery: discovering her difference, being taught to hide it, and ultimately finding self-acceptance and connection with others. This book will show you how to build a world of true acceptance, inclusion, and belonging.

    By the end, you will understand the need to:

    • Own your difference—it’s your greatest gift!
    • Find connection and community by allowing others in to support you
    • Create inclusive conversations that allow for curiosity and empathy
    • Recognize why representation is essential to creating an inclusive environment
    • Realize the power of sharing your story

    Singlehandedly is a book for all of us who have been hiding our differences and want to find freedom, for leaders who want to build more inclusive teams, and for diversity and inclusion directors committed to expanding the diversity conversation to include everyone.

    Working with Cathy is why I was able to get my book done! From building the space and structure for my ideas, to helping me create my commitment and intention for writing, to inviting me into her weekly community of writers, her supportive coaching was critical to my accomplishment! I tell everyone who has a book in them to work with a coach, and Cathy is the best one!

    To order your copy follow this link.

  • UnCommon Leadership for the New Reality: 3 Principles That Drive Greater Awareness, Engagement and Psychological Safety with Ed Chaffin

    One-Size-Fits-All Leadership is Dead!

    Leadership is personal and personalized. What does that mean and why is it important to embrace that ethos now? The Covid pandemic exposed, in ways that no one could have ever imagined, that people are looking for something entirely different than they have been receiving from their companies and leaders. What motivates and inspires one person may be very different from what motivates another.

    UnCommon Leadership® for the New Reality: 3 Principles that Drive Greater Awareness, Engagement, and Psychological Safety will provide the roadmap to evaluate oneself, where we are going, and what inspiring leadership looks like in the New Reality. Seasoned leader, highly-sought speaker, and certified coach Ed Chaffin will take an in-depth look at the following truths: Leadership starts with becoming highly aware of your belief systems, including what you believe about yourself and others Leadership requires that you know your values and have a vision for where you are going, using this conviction to inspire others Leadership requires deep, personal introspection to discover who we are, how we lead, and how we affect others with our leadership style(s) Leadership invites us to understand the people we are blessed to lead, what motivates and inspires them, and how to adjust your leadership style accordingly

    This is your call to action – become an UnCommon Leader and help transform how great leadership is defined. Join the UnCommon Leadership® movement now!

    Working with Cathy was exceptional. It’s the classic case of “you don’t know what you don’t know until you know what you don’t know!” Her guidance and coaching guided me toward putting together a solid manuscript that ulitmately delivered on the goal had set – to write a book that makes a difference. There is no way I would have gotten to the finish line without her knowledge and expertise! If you want to write a book you must hire Cathy!

    To purchase your copy follow this link.

  • This Is Your Captain Speaking: What You Should Know About Your Pilot’s Mental Health with Reyne O’Shaughnessy

    The pilot of your airliner is perfectly trained, undergoes recurrent training twice or more every year, and works in a world-wide regulated industry with an admirable safety record. But is your pilot struggling with their mental health? Might there be some chronic stress, anxiety, relationship issues, insomnia, alcohol use and abuse, depression, or suicidal thoughts? In This Is Your Captain Speaking, aviation strategist and wellbeing expert Captain Reyné O’Shaughnessy examines mental health in aviation, including:

    • The negative stigma surrounding pilots who seek treatment
      Pilot psychological health screening methods
      The impact of pilot wellbeing on aviation and public safety
      Policies or programs that protect airline professionals’ mental health

    Let’s make sure your pilot is cleared for takeoff before your next flight!

    To order your copy follow this link.

    Cathy is an amazing coach! From the first time Cathy and I connected I knew that I wanted her as my coach! Some words and thoughts that come to mind in describing Cathy are involved, patient, compassionate! She gave me practical, solid advice plus connected me to amazing resources. 

  • The Ancient Aviators of South Alabama with Faye Makarsky

    Imagine sitting in a room with a 102-year-old man who could still describe every nut and bolt on a T-34, a man who flew “The Hump,” a man who had to bail out of a C-46 over the mountains of Korea, an Imperial Iranian Air Force Colonel who barely got out of the country with his life, an Air Traffic Controller who spent his career helping pilots get out of dangerous situations, a man who flew an experimental helicopter into North Vietnam to install wiretapping equipment. These men are members of the Ancient Aviators Club of South Alabama, and this book records their memories.

    I thought writing down the stories of folks who loved aviation as much as I did would be easy. It wasn’t. After two or three, it was a jumbled-up mess. Cathy helped me straighten out the mess and organize my thoughts and methods. I think she should add pom poms to her logo! What a cheerleader! And we all need that. Through all my whining and crying, she remained calm and upbeat and when all was said and done, she led me to Amy Waninger (A Page Beyond). If Cathy can add my book to her shelf, she can make yours happen.

    To order your copy follow this link.

  • Change Your Circle, Change Your Life with Jamar Jones

    Change Your Circle, Change Your Life is a direct lifestyle that needs to be applied continuously for any human being to be successful. Through these chapters, you will go through so many mental and physical shifts that will challenge you as a human being. The purpose of this philosophy is to enhance your lifestyle and promote your growth. The more circles you touch, the more lives you can change. Following the methods in the book transform your excuses into results. I would not be where I am at today if it wasn’t for this mindset and the actions I took to constantly change my circles and meet new people. It manipulated my framework of thought, direction, purpose, connection and faith. Your circle affects more decisions than you know and this book is a guide to help you navigate through life.

    Once you take these principles and make them real in your life, you’re then going to make it real in others’. That means you’re going to give someone else a fighting chance. This book is important because it is a raw, actionable thing that anyone could do. This book in particular comes from a place of 50% mindset and 50% action from someone who is just like you. A lot of other books don’t dive into an actionable, step-by-step, a realistic program that you can start today with results that are big enough to impact your current situation at the highest level. It will change your life because it changed mine. I had nothing special, no handouts, no sail with wind to carry me to where I had to go. Through different circles was the key to unlock my mindset and then opportunities. If you follow the ideas in this book, that is going to increase the chances of opportunities to change your life.

    Thank you Cathy for your inspiring, relieving, insightful and energizing book sessions! Really appreciate your time in pushing me and believing in me when I thought I could not get the book out in time! Means so much to me.

    To purchase your copy follow this link.

  • Six Paths to Leadership: Lessons from Successful Executives, Politicians, Entrepreneurs and More with Meredith Persily Lamel & Mark Clark

    The paths that leaders walk significantly influence their success, offering differential opportunities and challenges. While conventional wisdom suggests that leadership styles and approaches may be equally effective across all situations, more recent research demonstrates the importance of employing strategies more specifically aligned with the context.

    This book offers critical insights and strategies, currently missing from the repertoire of leaders and their supporters, for managing across six distinct paths into leadership positions: promoted, hired, elected, appointed, founded, and family legacy. It illustrates lessons drawn from within and across paths, presented through themes, quotes, and stories drawn from interviews with over 60 successful leaders (executives, politicians, entrepreneurs, and more). While it is evident that these paths differ, those who study, hire, mentor, and coach leaders rarely consider the distinctions, nor suggest what may be learned across the paths.

    The emerging leaders, HR professionals, researchers, and coaches among the book’s readers will learn not only from those who have walked one particular path, but also from the experiences of those trekking in other directions. Most leaders will cross from one path to another over the course of their career. Some executives interviewed for the book worked their way up the ladder in one company, only to be recruited to fill a C-suite position in another company. Others were appointed to high-level government positions after stints as elected officials. The authors identify major distinctions when moving across the six paths.

    By reading this book, leaders and those who support them will develop greater self-awareness about each path so they can better leverage and manage their new challenges and opportunities from the first day in their new leadership position.

    To purchase your copy follow this link.

    After three years of research, Cathy pushed us to get our book over the finish line. Co-authoring adds additional challenges and Cathy helped keep us aligned and accountable along our path to completion.

  • Live the Impossible: How a Wheelchair Has Taken Me Places I Never Dared to Imagine with Jenny Smith

    Jenny Smith was a typical teenager—a gymnast and athlete who loved hair and makeup, played in a band, and was active in her church youth group.
    Then one bright summer morning, a spinal cord injury left her paralyzed from the chest down and dependent on others for her most basic needs. Privacy and independence seemed like things of the past.

    But Jenny refused to give up or give in to her disability, and over time she discovered that a wheelchair could take her places she’d never dared to imagine. She’s traveled multiple times to Afghanistan and Mexico for wheelchair distributions and sports camps, and even rolled the New York City runway as a model during Fashion Week.

    Today, Jenny Smith is a spokesperson for independent and vibrant living with a disability. Her speeches, articles, and social media presence have touched thousands of lives.

    In Live the Impossible, Smith shares what it looks like to live with paralysis, from the everyday details most people never think about, to the countless people who have impacted her life along the way. With honesty and humor, faith and fortitude, Jenny shows us how we can all live the impossible, even when life doesn’t go as planned.

    Read this encouraging story today.

    To order your copy follow this link.

    When I started participating in Cathy’s Speaker Author Mastermind Group, I had already written my book. The group sessions were valuable in receiving feedback and discovering techniques on how to successfully launch my book.

  • Resilience Ready: The Leader’s Guide to Thriving Through Unrelenting Crises with Vivian Blade

    Are You Resilience Ready?

    Ineffective crisis leadership of your operations and, most importantly, your human capital will cripple your organization. The dysfunction, disengaged employees, suffering productivity and dismal operational performance that result can create a crucial gap. Resilience Ready closes this gap. Let leadership expert and thought leader Vivian Blade show you how Resilience Ready teams can…

    • Rally around a meaningful Purpose with a positive, “can do” Perspective.
    • Pull together in Partnership to Persevere against all odds.
    • Accomplish more in a culture of Praise.
    • Overcome the overwhelm, recover quickly, and get faster results!

    Resilience Ready is the leader’s guide to thriving through unrelenting adversity, uncertainty, and change. Your toolkit includes the five Resilience Ready principles with lessons learned from real stories of resilience. You will have access to tips, best practices and resources to guide you in how to build your personal resilience and how to lead with the resilience your team needs so that stronger, more humane leaders and organizations emerge.

    It is Time to Lead with Resilience!

    Cathy has been amazing to work with! She has inspired me and has been a partner through the entire process of concepting, writing, publishing and launching this book and my first book, FuelForward. I have attended Cathy’s writing retreats, masterminds and have benefited from all the resources she has available. Cathy also introduced me to the publisher I used for Resilience Ready, Ignite Press, who also has been a tremendous parter. Whether you are just thinking about writing a book, have already started, or wanting to get better at marketing, I highly recommend you work with Cathy. I’m so glad I have!


    To order your copy follow this link.

  • Healing from the Heart: Restoring Alignment to Revitalize Your Body, Soul and Spirit with Dana Grindal

    Life Can Hurt. We have all been wounded. The pain can hit deep and settle into our bodies and souls. In reaction to our pain, beliefs and patterns emerge that hinder the way we see ourselves, relate to others, and move through life. Pain slows us down and drains our mental and emotional energy. Pain holds us back.

    Modern society provides many opportunities to numb, hide or escape symptoms of pain without addressing the root cause. However, until the source of our pain is identified and remedied, it will stay alive in us, manifesting as physical and emotional pain, toxic thoughts, anxiety, depression, and more.

    Everyone is unique in his or her response to life’s hurts, but as explained in Healing from the Heart: • We can recognize our pain and respond in a way that puts us on the path to healing—and keeps us there. • Healing happens in layers; each chapter guides us through these layers simply and concisely. • Soul Connection questions provide valuable tools to connect us to our own heart at a deeper level while Spirit Connection exercises offer the opportunity to release the pain in prayer. • Practical applications empower us to heal from the heart level (the soul), which not only relieves pain but provides the freedom needed to live the abundant life for which we are designed!

    The principles and processes found in Dana’s authentic telling of her own journey from pain to wellness have helped hundreds experience the life-changing power of inner healing. Furthermore, Healing from the Heart features a refreshing combination of story, instruction and journaling prompts that lead to the peace and revitalization for which we’ve been searching. Healing from the Heart is ideal for group study as well as individual discovery.

    Cathy was an answer to prayer! When my friend recommended Cathy to me, I was working on a book but did not know what my next steps should be. Writing a personal story of healing is a very vulnerable journey. As a first time author, Cathy was so encouraging from day one. She drew out the gold within me I didn’t even know was there . She pushed me to expand the vision of the book and empowered me with the tools to accomplish that vision. Cathy is excellent at getting to the heart of the matter, and connecting with the author’s heart for the project. I highly recommend working with Cathy to see your book become a reality.

    To order your copy follow this link.

  • The ERG Handbook: Everything You Wanted to Know About Employee Resource Groups but Didn’t Know Who to Ask with Aimee Broadhurst

    As volunteers, Employee Resource Group (ERG) leaders have the difficult task of balancing their paid jobs with their unpaid ERG jobs. This book, along with the companion workbook, will enable these passionate volunteers to balance their paycheck with their passion and impact their workplace and, hopefully, the world.

    Working with Cathy enabled me to become an author. I knew I needed to write this book, and Cathy served as both a mentor and cheerleader. My book allows me to make a living while living out my passion, and that would not have been possible had I not hired Cathy.

    To order your copy follow this link.

  • Tired Yet Wired: Breaking Your Chronic Fatigue Cycle with Sharon Wirant

    Break Your Chronic Fatigue Cycle! The invitation to break your chronic fatigue cycle, regain energy, and live life on your terms is here! We often think chronic fatigue is a symptom caused only by a viral or toxin overload. We believe that we’re destined to live life from a constant state of fatigue. An overload of viruses and toxins may ignite the chronic fatigue cycle, but additional factors primed your system well before your chronic fatigue hit. No matter whether you have chronic fatigue from burnout, CFS/ME, autoimmune disease, or mold illness, you can take back your energy.

    In Tired Yet Wired: Breaking Your Chronic Fatigue Cycle, Sharon Wirant, MA, reveals key points to reclaiming your energy by examining chronic fatigue from a holistic and integrative point of view. Key points like: • How the chronic fatigue cycle activates • What factors impact chronic fatigue remission and recovery • Why your food, thinking, behavior, and emotional habits matter • How a life cleanse creates your best health and life • How to reset, reconnect, and recover (or remission) from chronic fatigue

    Take back your energy. Let Tired Yet Wired show you how to break your chronic fatigue cycle today!

    Cathy’s coaching expertise and prowess was exactly what I needed to make my dream of writing a book come true. Cathy expertly kept me moving forward, opened my creative neurons, inspired my voice to come alive, and guided me along the way of making this book a reality.

    To order your copy follow this link.

  • The Hippo Solution: Eliminate Territorial Thinking and Unleash the Power of Teams with Mark Kenny

    Did you know that hippos are one of the most territorial, hostile animals on the planet? THE HIPPO SOLUTION is the roadmap for leaders to transform their organization from hippo-esque territorial thinking to a culture of teamwork that breeds speed, adaptability, and peak performance.

    Through a simple formula, with five variables and five transformative actions, THE HIPPO SOLUTION will show you how to: • Eliminate territorial thinking between departments, divisions, and teams to function as one cohesive team. • Create an unstoppable alignment of teams across the organization around the same collective purpose. • Expend constrained time and energy on what really moves the needle.

    Cathy gave me the encouragement, accountability, courage, and confidence to start, continue, and finish my book! She walked me through the entire process and helped me push through when I was stuck, feeling overwhelmed, or discouraged. If you want to write a book, don’t hesitate, hire Cathy!

    To order your copy follow this link.

  • Door To Renewal: Spiritual Growth Through the Mind of St. Paul with Robin Jennings

    You Are Invited on a Journey to Renewal

    A clergyman in the Episcopal Church for over 40 years, Jennings has encouraged churches and parishioners to develop their spiritual growth and embark on a journey of renewal which became the catalyst for his book series and the cornerstone for this book. A trip to St. Paul’s Cathedral in London inspired him to embark on a deeper quest for spiritual renewal; one that he now invites you join him on as you dive into lessons, reflections and meaningful inspiration.

    Are You Ready?

    Renewal is an inward movement of the spirit, yet it forms and shapes all aspects of life. For Christians seeking a personal journey of renewal, this book will encourage you to learn from St. Paul’s witness and use it as a framework to help you:
    • Learn from his conversion. Paul becomes a changed man after his encounter with the resurrected Jesus and you too, have the opportunity to seek new life in Christ.
    • Learn from his conversation. Conversion opens the door to a conversation, often times beginning with God planting an eternal question within.
    • Learn from his conviction. Transformation of the mind leads to renewal and setting our minds on things that are above as we listen to the heartbeat of our journey.

    Cathy was a big help encouraging me with my first book on the importance of vision. She then helped me cast a vision for the second book which is on the renewal of the mind. As a result, Cathy encouraged me to write a third book and wrap them together as a “Spiritual Growth” program for churches. My mind is renewed thanks to the coaching from Cathy and helping my books get legs with podcasts and speaking engagements and social media even in the midst of a pandemic! I now am writing a third book which is under contract for publication this summer and it is amazing how far I have travelled with the ongoing guidance and direction from Cathy Fyock.

    To order your copy follow this link.

  • Poverty to Possibility: Snapshots from a Yorkshire Boyhood with Diane Bailey-Boulet

    In Britain, during the desperate Depression-era 1930s and war-torn 1940s, a poor but promising and determined Yorkshire coal miner’s son finds the friendship, love, and community he needs to break the forceful grip of poverty and let his boldest dreams take flight.

    Cathy kept me motivated and inspired with her compassionate coaching and infectious drive.


    To order your copy follow this link.

  • Horseshoes vs. Chess: A Practical Guide for Chamber of Commerce Leaders with Dave Adkisson

    In Horseshoes vs. Chess, veteran chamber executive and former mayor Dave Adkisson shares the insights he gained from more than 40 years of observing chambers of commerce – as a CEO of three different chambers (a small city chamber, a metro chamber and a state chamber), as a two-term mayor of his hometown, as a former assistant to a U.S. Senator, and as a chamber leader on the national level. It contains the lessons he wishes he had known when he was starting his chamber career.

    Linking up with Cathy was absolutely pivotal to my book becoming a reality and becoming an Amazon Bestseller. From Day One, she gave solid advice, built discipline into my writing process with her on-line writing workshops and at a critical point, connected me to different options for choosing a publisher. Of course, I’m proud of my book. I hope Cathy now has it on her shelf and considers it one more trophy among the many she has earned and that symbolize the amazing work she does for aspiring writers.

    To order your copy follow this link.

  • The Humanized Leader with Mary Pat Knight


    More importantly, the world needs your humanized leadership. You must create trust, clearly communicate, coach powerfully, and customize every step of the way to the various types of people you are privileged to lead. This leader is ever aware that other humans execute the processes which drive the profits – people are always at the center.

    This book lays out in 12 engaging chapters, a proven path to developing yourself and your teams. You will gain the mindset and skillset to:
    Show up in authentic and conscious leadership
    Manage workplace emotions – yours and theirs
    Communicate with clarity and connection
    Guide performance to build a culture of accountability
    Understand your own secret sauce of genius and appreciate it in others

    Drawing from the signature system, Leadership Mastery, this guide to your own evolution has been practiced and perfected for 15 years with thousands of clients.

    This is a call to action. HUMANIZE how you lead. Your time is now.

    Cathy Fyock’s author retreat made the completion of this book possible. The mix of practical and inspirational coaching and training in the 2.5 day event offered an environment for me to create momentum and complete. Cathy is very generous with her resources and when I stumbled, I asked “what would Cathy do”?


    To order your copy follow this link.

  • The Road to Purpose with Greg Pestinger

    Is Your Life Over as You Know It…Or Simply Just Beginning?

    The Road to Purpose provides a road map to help guide you through the fear and uncertainty that often comes with life transition. Whether you are a young adult moving from school to your first career, a business owner getting ready to exit the business you have put your heart and soul into, or a seasoned executive recently downsized and figuring out what to do next, you will see yourself in the stories of one man’s journey and the lessons learned that resulted in living a life of meaning and purpose.

    In The Road to Purpose: The Roadmap for Overcoming Life’s Major Transitions Greg Pestinger charts the five major growth areas that are often the result of major life changing events and eloquently delivers signposts along the way to get you past the disappointment, fear, and sometimes, hopelessness. He uses his own stories as a metaphor to help you through your struggles for meaning and purpose, specifically:

    • How to grieve and accept the transition
      How to get to know yourself all over again, the real you who has often been buried by a busy life
      How to find the courage to be your authentic self
      How to resolve to love yourself for who you are
      How to make the commitment to living a life of awe and wonder

    The Road to Purpose acknowledges the pain and disappointment of transition and uses that pain to help you live the life you were meant to lead, a life of meaning and purpose. A life full of wealth, happiness, and intention in service to others.

    Cathy has been an amazing coach. Without her guidance, persistence and good old fashion accountability, The Road to Purpose would never have seen the light of day. In her own firm but fair way she insured that what I said I wanted to do was done. She uses a unique mix of firm accountability and reassuring affirmations to inspire my best work. To bring the story to life that we both knew needed shared with the world. Cathy was there for this book and will be a part of many more to come.

    To order your copy, follow this link.

  • Let Her Out with Natalie Siston

    Once we get to a certain level of success, we forget about the girl inside of us. she is the one who was the first to hop into a game of pickup basketball, but now all she does is pick up after others. She was the one who played the lead in the school musical, but now only sings in the shower. She wrote her deepest thoughts in a journal, but is now stuck writing one business report after the other. If you feel like your inner girl (or boy) gets sent to the back of the line when the next deadline, meeting or family obligation pops up, this book is for you. Let Her Out: Reclaim Who You Have Always Been is where life story meets life coaching. Dive into Natalie’s journey, which started in a small Midwestern town, took her to Silicon Valley, and eventually back home to Ohio. Along the way, you will be presented with 100+ coaching questions to help you reconnect to your story on your own journey to:

    Remember Her

    Reconnect to Her

    Remove Barriers to Her and

    Let Her Out.

    Cathy was able to bring clarity and direction to my writing process. I LOVE to write and would write all day long. Cathy was able to help me take the massive amount of writing I had done through my blog and other writing platforms and turn it into a cohesive and compelling body of work that I am proud to call my first book! Within the first session, I knew I made the right decision to hire Cathy to help me bring this book into the world.

    To order your copy, follow this link.

  • Out of the Gate with Henrietta Pepper

    Life is a series of twists and turns. We transition through different seasons. Journeying from our childhood days to adulthood, powerful learning experiences become foundational to evolving our hearts and minds. Stories handed down to us help build our character and shape our culture. Today’s shared stories ultimately will be woven into the fabrics of generations to come.

    Out of the Gate: What inspires us drives us forward is a compilation of stories rooted in a blend of faith, family and friends. Kentucky author, Henrietta Pepper, shares relatable stories readers can absorb and embrace through their own personal lens. Reflecting on our own personal stories, and listening to others’ stories, provides the opportunity to pause and take stock of our lives. Where have we been and where are we going? There is such power in storytelling. There is even more power in story sharing.

    I’ve dreamt of writing a book for some time. Cathy has been a primary catalyst for making my publishing reality come to life. Her process is concise and productive. She held me accountable and guided me in maintaining my voice throughout the manuscript. The writing retreats really inspired me and set me on a path to making this goal come to fruition. Investing in Cathy’s services has been well worth it and I would highly recommend her to any budding—or experienced— author!

    To order your copy follow this link.

  • CHAMPIONS’ Creed with Marke Freeman

    What is greatness? It is a CHAMPION’S ability to execute simple practices, consistently, at a high level. It is a commitment to maintaining uncommon habits and focusing only on what one can control in an effort to be one’s best self. CHAMPIONS’ Creed is the blueprint that the best leaders in sports and business have mastered to claim their place at the top. The undeniable principles provided in CHAMPIONS’ Creed separate the good from the great.

    Writing from a deep, been-there experience, Author Marke Freeman takes you on a journey to discover your CHAMPION within. She provides unpopular and unknown actionable strategies to separate you from your counterparts and deliver the results you seek. With authentic examples and results-proven knowledge, Marke shares and unpacks the nine essential characteristics needed to achieve greatness. Through her prolific storytelling, this Catalyst of Greatness connects her personal experiences as a professional athlete and the stories of other world-class beings who also have chosen to stray from mediocrity and attain greatness utilizing these principles. CHAMPIONS’ Creed will educate, equip, and empower you to transform your habits, create an undeniable mindset, and progress to unseen levels of success.

    I am grateful for Cathy’s prowess, patience, and handling of my vision with a champion’s care. Whenever I was experiencing a block, she provided expert support to get my wheels turning, which helped me create the energy I wanted my book to have from cover to cover. The quality and insight provided in the book writing course she designed is world-class. I look forward to working with Cathy on future projects. If you are in need of a book coach, stop right here!

    To order your copy, follow this link.

  • One Thing Remains: One Couple’s Traumatic Encounter with Amnesia and Their Life-Changing Journey to Restoration with Shannon and David Carroll


    David and Shannon were living the typical stressed-out, busy, rat-race of American life until it all suddenly caught up with them and devastated everything. David’s mind became broken with amnesia and their world, as they knew it, turned upside down. Being everything to everyone and doing “all the things” is a real and prevalent pressure among most families today. The financial, career, family and relationship demands add immense stress.

    In this book, you’ll see how David and Shannon were able to overcome these patterns, change their lives and find true peace through the gift of amnesia. “One Thing Remains” will show you how to truly find yourself – without having to lose your mind in the process. Through their transparent and raw story, you’ll learn: • God does not intend for you to live a stress-filled life • How to accept suffering and learn to suffer well • A total reset in your relationships is possible • Community is essential • God’s Word is alive and can never be taken away from deep inside of us A transforming adventure and fresh wind of excitement awaits you through this powerful and compelling story of brokenness to complete restoration!


    Cathy Fyock is an amazing book strategist. I went to her writing retreat in November of 2019 and completed my book on January 7th 2020. I would not have made this accomplishment had it not been for Cathy and her staff. She provided an environment that allowed me and other writers to learn how to organize our books for success and informed us about the options for getting our books published, once completed. It was also a pleasure meeting and working with other writers. I highly recommend Cathy as a writing coach/strategist to anyone who is serious about writing a book. I am forever grateful to Cathy.

  • The Apple Report: Diary of a Public School Board Member with Dr. Karen Hiltz

    The Apple Report is a must read for people seeking to make change in an education system that needs to be relevant, applicable, and provide quality for children in the 21st century. This first-hand sharing of experiences, challenges, and attempting to function in an environment where change is not welcome is eye opening. These accounts bring to the forefront that it’s vital for parents, grandparents, and family members to stand up and ensure the system deals with real, fundamental change that provides a quality education.

    If those within the system aren’t able to or won’t stand up to the bureaucracy and unions, then those outside the system must. The future of our republic depends on having an educated, informed, and skilled populace. We need entrepreneurs who have the audacity to think, create, and deal with failure in a productive manner. We are not all winners. We must experience defeat in order to enjoy victory. Reality isn’t always pretty, but it’s always helpful in shaping character. Embrace opportunity; step out in faith; visualize your significance. Become the person you want to be, not the person someone else tells you to be.

    I am so grateful to have found Cathy. As a floundering wanna-be author, Cathy came along at the right time to help me get from frustrated writer to a full-fledged published author. Her ability to communicate and help her clients get through the process is priceless. Also – her positive attitude is infectious and provided me with the confidence I needed to publish, not one, but two books in 2020.


  • Untie Every kNOT – Discover what kNOT is causing you to Miss Out, Chicken Out or Be Counted Out with Tammy Tiller Hewitt

    This book is about kNOTS – little k, big NOTS.  It’s about the kNOTs we tie around ourselves, around our dreams, our purpose and even around our God-given destiny.  It’s about the kNOTs we subscribe to or blame others for binding.   We can get so tangled up in our own kNOTS that it’s nearly impossible to recognize their paralyzing, life-limiting, dream-smashing grip.

    Knots unlike kNOTS, can serve an important purpose.  The problem is their purpose becomes so blurred, that instead of serving as a temporary safety handle, they become a permanent death-gripping stronghold.

    I wrote this book so together we can learn to identify and forever untie the Gordian-sized kNOTS holding us back.  This book is for anyone who has allowed a kNOT to miss out, chicken out or been counted out.

    Think of this book as a conversation between two friends. We may laugh, cry and perhaps debate – but in the end we’re friends.


    Cathy Fyock made writing a book easy. Get her on your team as early as possible. She was my secret weapon!


  • Leading hArtfully: The Art of Leading Through Your Heart to Discover the Best in Others with Diane Rogers

    Most leadership development books teach readers “how to lead,” but for acclaimed leadership coach and consultant Diane Rogers, that’s not enough. In her debut book, Leading hArtfully: The Art of Leading Through Your Heart to Discover the Best in Others, she shines a light on what’s missing from a leadership strategy that draws upon a conventional authoritarian “leader-as-expert” focus and offers the distinct opportunity to leverage the strengths and magnificence within your employees and colleagues. Diane shows you how to BE your best leader self to bring out and discover the best in them.

    Leading hArtfully is a book about the art and the heart (aka “hArt”) of leadership. It’s an invitation to bring your best self forward in transformative ways to discover and leverage the best in others — in your work and in your everyday life. Diane explains that, “Getting to the heart and art of leading, finding your flow, elevating the eloquence and grace within you, and connecting — at the heart level — with each individual is an experience not to be missed. It holds the possibility of a most magnificent journey of leading others.”

    Cathy facilitates making the impossible possible! For as long as I can remember I wanted to write a book. And while I believed there ‘was a book in me’, this notion of being an author and sharing my impassioned messages brought with it insecurity, a lack of confidence and stifling inability to get started … until I met Cathy. Not only did I start to write a book, I finished one! The process, coaching and encouragement that Cathy brings to each conversation is expert, supportive and motivating. Her ‘accountability’ nudges were key in helping me to cross that finish line and experiencing the delight in BEING an author !

  • Addicted to Perfect with Vitale Buford

    Author Vitale Buford spent nearly three decades of her life in the web of perfection. The roots of her perfection were born in her childhood – she had a dysfunctional home-life fraught with alcoholism, workaholism and shame. This combination created an environment of neglect, where the only way Vitale got attention was to be perfect. She was praised for being an “easy child,” “pretty,” and “self-motivated,” so that’s what she tried to be. Her need for perfection and outside success was coupled with her body image obsession. It was also a distraction from the pain of abandonment and loneliness she experienced in her childhood. It was the perfect storm – she tied her self-worth to her external success and her appearance, and hence, her addiction to perfection was born.

    Cathy was beyond incredible to work with – I wouldn’t have been able to complete my book without her! Her guidance, knowledge, and accountability are what helped me to the finish line. She is a person of character and she really cares about her clients and believes in them. It was an honor working with her – she’s amazing!

    To purchase the book, follow this link.

  • Welcome to My Life: A Personal Parenting Journey Through Autism with Laurie Hellmann

    Welcome to My Life shares the 14-year journey of a true warrior mom advocating for her non-verbal, severely autistic son from diagnosis through his teenage years. This brutally honest and heartwarming account details the daily struggles and often lack of social understanding that families face when raising a child who relies on parental assistance for every need. Experience the laughter and love, unspoken bonds and unflagging devotion of one very special family. And be changed forever by the knowledge that a mother’s love knows no bounds, and that autism — though it presents various challenges — does not define who a person is nor does it devalue or diminish their contributions to this world.

    The writing process can be overwhelming and scary, but working with a knowledgeable and supportive book coach like Cathy made for a smooth and exciting journey. Cathy helped me connect the dots with the many ideas and thoughts swirling around in my head and encouraged me to effectively put them in written form for a remarkable end product. In addition, her expertise on the various publishing strategies provided me with the confidence I needed to select the best publisher for my memoir.

    To order your book, follow this link.

  • Buckle Up, Buttercup! How to Drive Success by Embracing the Power of Change with Michelle Wyatt

    Amid a truly disruptive and disorienting moment in history, one thing is clear: everything has changed … the way we work, shop, hire, lead, educate our children, socialize with friends, manage our health, and so much more. Our expectations regarding “normal” activities or status quo interactions, in the workplaces and socially, have changed forever. And the very concept of change – for most of us – feels unsettling and scary. But change agent and change “survivor” Michelle Wyatt assures us that we can not only navigate change successfully but embrace and leverage it to put ourselves back in the driver’s seats of our lives and careers.

    Change is the perhaps the only constant and, yet, we fear it, avoid it, resist it, and even grieve in the wake of it. It makes us anxious and hyper-vigilant. But what if we could see change as an opportunity? An asset? A leg up? A silver lining? What if we could plan for and manage change in a way that helped us live our best lives?

    Join Michelle Wyatt on an emotional and intellectual road trip through the nuances of personal and professional change, exploring how changes – of any size, at work or at home – can impact so very much, and why they require our honest and focused attention. Michelle offers stories from her own childhood and from her own major (and wildly successful!) career change from elementary school teacher to corporate trainer. Today, as a workplace trainer for business professionals in every area of functional expertise (from IT and marketing, to accounting and operations) in industries as diverse as financial services, hospitality, retail and personal services, Michelle sees – every day – how corporate change trickles down to impact us all. She has discovered that different approaches, attitudes and circumstances surrounding change can make a vital difference in the personal and professional results we experience. And she’s developed fresh ways for you to turn those insights into a kind of modern-day competitive edge.

    I had a story to share but had no clue how to make that happen before meeting Cathy. While working with Cathy I was able to get a solid outline and begin drafting my full manuscript. Probably the most valuable part of working with Cathy came via her connections to the publishing world. Through Cathy I was able to begin building a relationship with Silver Tree Publishing who ultimately chose to publish my book. Through the connection with Silver Tree my final product was better than I could have imagined and outperformed what I had anticipated.

    To order your copy, follow this link.

  • Learning to Lead, Leading to Learn: Lessons from Toyota Leader Isao Yoshino on a Lifetime of Continuous Learning with Katie Anderson

    If you’ve ever been mentored — in business or in life — by someone whose words, experiences, and perspectives changed you for the better, you know that an entire book of such selfless generosity and deep wisdom could change the world. For today’s business professionals — dedicated to continuous learning and people-centered leadership — this is that book.

    Learning to Lead, Leading to Learn is a leadership book that defies generational or cultural divides, offering a refreshing, proven perspective for all those who dare to lead.

    Cathy was an invaluable resource and guide to me as I navigated my first journey into book authorship and publishing. Cathy helped me stay on track with positive regular check-ins that encouraged me along the way. Her publishing advice and connections paved the way to bringing my book to market. Thank you Cathy for making the process of becoming a published author an undaunting one!

    To order your copy follow this link.

  • A F.R.E.S.H. START: THE 5 SECRETS FOR CREATING THE “TOTAL YOU” with Collette Ogrizovic

    You Can Have it All!

    Family. Career. Friends. Yourself. The ups and downs. A lot to manage right? Life can be overwhelming when you think about all of the many responsibilities you have to handle.

    The fact is all of these can make it difficult to fulfill dreams and meet the goals that you have set for your life. What if I told you that there’s a blueprint, which will result in you having a successful, happy and balanced life?

    In A F.R.E.S.H. Start: The 5 Secrets for Creating the “Total You”, Pillars for Success, Happiness and a Balanced Life, motivational speaker, and mind and body health expert Collette Chambers Ogrizovic outlines her F.R.E.S.H. concept, showing you how to create the foundation to have the life that you want.

    • Manage finances
    • Balance responsibilities
    • Overcome despite life’s challenges
    • Apply daily practices to help get you through the tough spots
    • Find time to take care of your health

    Cathy, I am an author! WOW! Time is of the essence when writing a book. You need to be focused, purposeful, motivated, and have quality content. Cathy’s coaching kept me on track in all those areas. Her candid and honest feed-back after my first draft “kicked” me into gear for quality content.
    Without Cathy I would not have completed this book; especially at level of quality that I sought after. Thanks Cathy for helping my dream to become a reality. YOU are AMAZING!

  • The Hot Sauce Principle: How To Live And Lead In A World Where Everything Is Urgent All Of The Time with Brandon Smith

    We are in the middle of an urgency epidemic. People find themselves are overwhelmed and at a loss as to how to proceed in an environment that cuts them no slack, provides no respite, and is ever pushing them on. The sensation is akin to the one where it feels like hot sauce is on everything.

    The purpose of this book is to guide you through the urgency epidemic and put you back in charge. Like a great chef, you’ll learn the nuances of adding just the right amount of sauce to bring out the deep flavor and potential of yourself, your team, and your family, creating a menu of balance and perfect spice so that you are in charge of urgency and it no longer consumes your world.

    Simply put, my book would never have happened if it wasn’t for Cathy. She provided me the necessary council, wise advice, cheerleading and gentle prodding just when I needed it. She was an absolute pleasure to work with. I can’t recommend Cathy enough!

    To purchase this book, follow this link.

  • The Case for Choice: One-Size-Fits-All, An Outdated Education Model for the 21st Century with Dr. Karen Hiltz

    Readers will be amazed, relieved, and shocked as they read these true stories from individuals and the educational experiences they encountered. Not only are the stories unique and compelling, but also each one provides a perspective only they can give based on situations encountered in the state they reside. In addition, the author provides insight and opinions based on her experience and knowledge of the education system as they relate to the various elements of each story. The chapters end with recommendations and resources in an attempt to help parents and grandparents seek that often times elusive quality education. The supports offered are based on current educational options within the five states represented. For the 45 states not addressed, they all have a constitution, department of education and various organizations that support authorized programs operating in the state. Where applicable, national information is also identified.

    Cathy is the catalyst that allowed me to join the ranks of being a published author. I had been working on this book for over a year when I was introduced to Cathy. Based on the experience, guidance and encouragement, I’m now on my way to completing my second book. I’m grateful to Cathy and all the support she provides.

    To order a copy, follow this link.

  • Protect Your Assets with David Stokes

    Protect Your Assets: Strategically Oriented, Metrics-Centered Credit Management

    A company’s accounts receivable is its largest and most liquid asset. To provide maximum return, it needs to be managed in a planned, proactive manner that can be effectively measured and assessed. Protect Your Assets, Strategically Oriented, Metrics-Centered Credit Management provides both credit professionals and business owners with concepts and techniques to develop policies, procedures, and processes that will help minimize loss through bad debts, increase cash flow, and maximize profitability.

    Working with Cathy to pull together the material for my book was great. She provided sound advice and support as well as accountability. Just knowing that that you had someone to go to when you hit a slow point in writing or for guidance in preparing for the next step in the process provided motivation to keep moving forward.

    To order the book follow this link.

  • May You Live in Christ: Spiritual Growth Through the Vision of St. Peter with Robin T. Jennings

    CAST A VISION FOR A NEW YOU. If ever there was a model for us and for living in this fast-paced world of ours, it has to be the life of St. Peter. If Jesus can transform this impulsive, conflicted, vacillating man into the greatest of our saints, then surely there is hope for you and me. We identify with Peter when he stumbles, falters, and makes a mistake. We marvel as he grows, develops, matures, and changes right before our eyes. Out of his very human nature a far deeper spiritual nature is revealed, and Peter is given a vision to live like never before.

    Cathy Fyock brings with her a wealth of gifts, skills and competencies that provides a plethora of resources for all who seek her consulting. But in addition to offering her personal help, what amazes me is how Cathy quickly opens the door to her wide network of very able individuals in the publishing and speaking world who stand ready to offer even further assistance. Cathy has built both a team and a reputation of high quality service and she is well known and highly respected in the speaking and writing world. My platform has the stability to now reach to a new level as a result of the solid foundation set by Cathy Fyock.

  • Heart to Heart: Spiritual Care through Deep Listening with Clare Biedenharn, DMin, BCC

    “What would you do if this were your family?”

    As a nurse, you’ve heard this question dozens of times. For many, the natural inclination is to “fix” the problem by offering suggestions, but that approach is limited by our own experiences and personal biases.

    There is a more effective way to provide spiritual care. It begins with a question, an invitation to connect.

    In Heart to Heart, Dr. Biedenharn explores an ancient, proven and effective model of listening which she field-tested with critical care nurses. Through her work, she found that deep listening can lead to deep connection in healthcare. The spiritual connection doesn’t just improve patient outcomes, it also helps nurses reconnect with their call to service.
    And it all begins with a question

    I always thought I had a book in me but I wasn’t sure about the who, what, why, when and where part of it. Cathy’s diligent, supportive presence helped me first find it and then pull it out. I wasn’t an easy customer. I fought it every step of the way but like the good shepherd she is, Cathy reigned me in and kept me going in the right direction.

    To order this book, follow this link.