One-on-One Coaching

My team had kicked around several ideas for about 10 years. When I read Cathy’s On Your Mark (think I bought it the first day it hit Amazon), I had the confidence to start the process. I was so grateful Cathy was available to consult with our group. We kept trying to jump into the actual writing before we had defined our audience and the reason WHY we were writing the book in the first place.

We wouldn’t have started without her book, and working with her directly probably shaved a year off how long it would have taken us. I think we finally got the draft we liked in about 10 months. . . but that would have been sooner if we had brought Cathy in at the beginning of the process instead of waiting until we got stuck. My experience working with her was great. Since then, we have become colleagues and friends. My third book is coming out in April, and we have already started the next one. We use Cathy’s process every time, and it gets easier, every time.

–Joe DeSensi, Ed.D., President, Educational Directions 

Cathy, you are a genius! I wanted to say how fruitful your writing prompts proved to be. I especially found inspiration in the letter to my readers. I have to admit, I didn’t know how one coached the writing process.  I see, I see!  Brilliant!  Thank you!

–Lisa Withers, Leadership Development Consultant

Just wanted to thank you again for the time, information and fantastic clarity I received today. You have given me much to think about. From judging other writers to not gauging my success in units sold, I must say I gained insight and perhaps humility which was needed before penning the first word. Thank you for helping me see from another perspective. The writing mountain has seemed insurmountable, but am now beginning to see the summit as opposed to simply the climb.

–Kimberly A. Skaggs

Cathy Fyock is an outstanding business book strategist and writing coach!  Whenever I get stuck she quickly assesses my situation, gets to the root cause and offers relevant guidance to set me on my way.  It’s not easy to write a book, but when you have a great coach in your corner, you can stay the course and complete your mission.  I can’t say enough about my amazing coach and friend, Cathy Fyock.  I’m so happy she’s in my corner! 

–Kathy Koultourides

Cathy Fyock is the consummate professional. I owe her a debt of gratitude for all that she she did in getting my book project off to the right start. Her ability to advise strategically connects with her expert advice at the grassroots level. Cathy is the total package in professional book coaching. Brilliant, experienced and dedicated are just a few of the words to describe how Cathy will advise you in creating a road map that leads you on the road to success!

–Stacy Bathrick, Retired U.S. Army Lieutenant Colonel and College Instructor

Signing up for your big package is walking across a bridge to find a treasure chest of practical resources. And that is just one part of the benefit. You are like your own entrepreneurial development association or academy. I didn’t have any budget for this work this year but if I am going to renovate my business and my future, it is a no brainer to spend the money. I am so happy and grateful to be in your world.

–Lesa Nichols, Consultant

One-on-One Coaching

If you’re serious about writing your book, or you need unique or specialized support, then one-on-one coaching is for you.  You’ll be exposed to Cathy’s key concepts for writing, and have the one-on-one tailored support you need.

This is a six month program that includes the following:

  • An initial two-hour strategy session with Cathy at week one, to gain clarity on your book: purpose/goals, thesis, integration with business plan, target market, key word outline, project plan, and timeline
  • One-on-one calls with Cathy for the coaching period
  • Cathy’s books: On Your Mark and My New Book
  • Access to all group programs over the course of your program for the coaching period
  • Access to Cathy’s online program, On Your Mark Online, as well as hundreds of Master Classes on topics related to writing, publishing, and promoting your book
  • Special discounted rates for Cathy’s writing retreats
  • Unlimited telephone and email support
  • Ability to access Cathy’s Speaker Author Mastermind when the manuscript is nearing completion for support in book publishing and promotion

VIP Experience

Do you absolutely have to get your book done? Maybe you have a big speaking engagement ahead. Or maybe you’ve just been thinking about your book for far too long. Or perhaps you’ve had clients, publishers, or others practically begging you to write your book.

If time is of the essence and you want to get serious about it, then Cathy’s VIP Experience is the package for you.

You’ll begin the process by first working with Cathy, in person or by telephone or webinar, for a three hour meeting to gain clarity on your project: purpose/goals, thesis, integration with business plan, target market, key word outline, project plan, and timeline.

You’ll meet with Cathy in her city of Punta Gorda, Florida, in your home city, or in a location mutually agreed upon (or the meeting can also be virtual) for this two- or three-day experience. You’ll benefit from writing exercises and activities, plus focused writing time to near completion with your manuscript.
If interested, you can also combine this coaching with one-on-one coaching or group coaching.

Kudos for Cathy’s VIP Experience

I am delighted to share my thoughts about my recent 3-day VIP Writing Experience with Cathy.  As an author embarking on my second book, UNBRANDED:  Emerge a Brand New You, I found the experience motivational, inspirational and very productive.  I made remarkable progress and hit the goals I had going into the collaborative session. Throughout our time together, Cathy provided valuable insights, guidance and feedback.  She helped spark new ideas while keeping me focused on what we had set out to accomplish.
I worked with Cathy on my debut book, Out of the Gate:  What inspires you drives you forward.  During that time, she was instrumental in shaping my storytelling writing style and author voice. We were able to build on those fundamentals during the VIP experience.  Her continued encouragement and support has taken my writing to new heights I couldn’t have reached alone.
I wholeheartedly recommend Cathy to any author seeking a transformative and inspiring journey towards creating their best work.
Henrietta Pepper


I highly recommend Cathy’s VIP one-on-one coaching experience. It was intense and productive. The physical surroundings were compatible with creativity, but more than that, Cathy was focused on structure and really moving the book along. In two days my book increased by 8000 words. The end result was my first draft!

Cathy picked up on when I was slowing down my creative juices and she knew to throw in some writing prompts. It was the perfect balance of pushing, prodding, and pulling me through the experience.

Just like any good athlete counts on their personal trainer– I had Cathy urging me on to my personal best. She is a personal trainer worth every dime for her wisdom and insight. She was all in on making my first book come to life.

Diane E. Ferguson


Speaker Author Mastermind Coaching

Authors invest hundreds of hours and dollars in writing and publishing their books, yet very few authors have a strategic plan to maximize their book’s impact beyond the initial launch.

I believe that writing the right book can help you grow your business whether you are a speaker, consultant, coach, or other professional using their expertise to offer client value; but writing the right book is not enough. Your book is a business tool that must be properly leveraged to sell more books and book more business. That’s why I’m offering this Speaker Author Mastermind.

This package provides ongoing coaching for those who want to launch their books with a strategic plan, and then keep their books top of mind and continually create new strategies for selling books and booking business, realizing their business/platform growth goals.

I would love to work with you on this project to help you achieve your goal to promote your book and position you as the Speaker Author. What follows is a detailed Scope of Work outline ― addressing everything you’ll receive as part of my Author Mastermind package. I’m also providing some additional details about my process and my background. I look forward to the possibility of working with you to make your book a success!

This package of services is loaded with benefits for your writing and publishing journey!

Manuscript Review. I will read your manuscript and provide you feedback about ways to strengthen your draft to support your goals for your book. You’ll send me your draft as a Word document, and I will use Track Changes to add comments and suggestions to ensure that your book will help you achieve your specific goals (more speaking engagements, higher fee consulting engagements, and so on). We will review the feedback in a one-on-one session.

One-on-One Sessions. You’ll have access to three one-on-one sessions with Cathy Fyock and three with Allie Pleiter (who specializes in fiction as well as nonfiction), where we’ll review your progress toward your specific goals for the book, which may include these deliverables: increased number of speaking engagements, increased closed business, revenue streams, sample speaking contracts and meeting planner scripts, lead generation strategy, identification of target market, speaking/coaching/consulting fees and strategies for fee increases, marketing collateral for the book, your Speaker Author one-sheet, website assessment, and more. I recommend that one of our early one-on-one sessions focuses on setting the strategy for your book.

Cathy’s Speaker Author Mastermind Group. The Speaker Author Mastermind meets virtually on the second and fourth Thursday of each month at 2:00 pm Eastern (recorded if you can’t attend live).

The Speaker Author Mastermind sessions will include presentations from authors who have completed their manuscripts and who are preparing for their launch, as well as “open mike” sessions for open discussions. When you present your launch plan you’ll receive feedback and ideas from all those who attend.

In addition, the entire Speaker Author Mastermind content offering is upgraded to these one-, 1.5-, and two-hour programs (some of these will also be available to non-clients for a fee). These programs will include:

  • Preparing Your About the Author
  • Preparing Your Book Summary
  • Getting Testimonials for Your Book
  • Getting Amazon Reviews
  • Creating Virtual Launch Events
  • Creating In-Person Launch Events
  • Developing Your Speaker Author One-Sheet
  • Finding Speaking Engagements
  • Moving from Free to Fee
  • Selling Your Book When Speaking
  • Selling Back of the Room
  • Selling in Conference Bookstores
  • Using AI to Promote Your Book
  • Participating in Book Fairs and Festivals
  • Repurposing Content from Your Book
  • Creating Lead Magnets and Workbooks
  • Pricing Your Speaking, Coaching, and Consulting Services
  • Selling High-End Services
  • Expanding Your Product/Service Offerings
  • Identifying 20 Easy Marketing Ideas to Begin NOW
  • Making One Sale, Selling Many Books (associations, meeting planners)
  • Creating Sticky Sound Bites, Pull Quotes, and Media Questions
  • Developing an Author Mindset

All these programs will be recorded so that you can access them as needed.

Access to Weekly Group Coaching Sessions – PAGES. Join book coaches Cathy Fyock and Allie Pleiter for this weekly group designed to help you move forward with your writing project. The sessions are scheduled each Wednesday from 11:30 am to 1:00 pm Eastern (and recorded for those who can’t attend live) and are complete with valuable strategies for getting your writing projects completed! Sessions on the first and third Wednesdays are led by Cathy or Allie, and alternate Wednesdays are designated as “Just Write” days for focused writing time with fellow authors. You’ll benefit from the community of fellow writers. You’ll also receive the PAGES electronic badge for your website and email signature.

OYM Online and access to Cathy’s Master Class Library. You’ll have access to my online course for On Your Mark, which includes six recorded modules along with handouts and resources. And, as a client, you’ll have access to my webinar library, with more than 100 programs on a variety of topics of interest to authors.

The complete Cathy and Allie Writing Library – electronic. Cathy and Allie have provided full access to their writing library, including their books How to Write When Everything Goes Wrong, The Chunky Method Handbook, Writer Crisis Hotline, and more!

One hour “Office Hours” each month (second Tuesday at 4 pm Eastern). This session provides an opportunity for dialogue about your pressing writing issues. The session is led by Cathy or Allie.

Monthly Master Class on writing, publishing, or marketing your book, and more. Every month, I offer a virtual Master Class featuring a guest, many of whom are fellow members of the National Speakers Association (and therefore, are excellent presenters!). Past topics include podcasting, working with a PR agent, audio books, techniques for speedwriting, and marketing on a shoestring. All topics are related to either getting your book written, published, or promoted. Also, I record these webinars, so if you can’t attend live, you’ll have access to the recording. There is no charge for Five-Day Challenges, One-day Virtual Retreats, and client discounts are offered for retreats and other special learning events.

Power Launch webinar. You’ll also receive a power launch webinar hosted by me, during which you’ll give a “keynote” on your book’s main messages. We will both promote this event to our lists/tribes. This launch webinar experience will allow you to develop and practice a solid presentation so you know you’re ready to present on your book’s topic, and it begins to socialize your book’s content to people who will likely become readers, reviewers, influencers, and supporters. We’ll also have a recording that you can use on social media or on your website for your own promotional purposes.

Note: Speaker Author Mastermind has the same features as PAGES Platinum Level.

Your investment for one-year of access to the Speaker Author Mastermind is $2,199. Current clients get a special rate of $1,200.00 for one year.

Sign Up Now!