Speaker Author Mastermind


Authors invest hundreds of hours and dollars in writing and publishing their books, yet very few authors have a strategic plan to maximize their book’s impact beyond the initial launch.

I believe that writing the right book can help you grow your business whether you are a speaker, consultant, coach, or other professional using their expertise to offer client value; but writing the right book is not enough. Your book is a business tool that must be properly leveraged to sell more books and book more business. That’s why I’m offering this Speaker Author Mastermind.

This package provides ongoing coaching for those who want to launch their books with a strategic plan, and then keep their books top of mind and continually create new strategies for selling books and booking business, realizing their business/platform growth goals.

Sign up for $2,199.00. Current clients get a special rate of $1,200.00 for one year.

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Authors invest hundreds of hours and dollars in writing and publishing their books, yet very few authors have a strategic plan to maximize their book’s impact beyond the initial launch.

I believe that writing the right book can help you grow your business whether you are a speaker, consultant, coach, or other professional using their expertise to offer client value; but writing the right book is not enough. Your book is a business tool that must be properly leveraged to sell more books and book more business. That’s why I’m offering this Speaker Author Mastermind.

This package provides ongoing coaching for those who want to launch their books with a strategic plan, and then keep their books top of mind and continually create new strategies for selling books and booking business, realizing their business/platform growth goals.

Sign up for $2,199.00. Current clients get a special rate of $1,200.00 for one year.