Door To Renewal: Spiritual Growth Through the Mind of St. Paul with Robin Jennings

You Are Invited on a Journey to Renewal

A clergyman in the Episcopal Church for over 40 years, Jennings has encouraged churches and parishioners to develop their spiritual growth and embark on a journey of renewal which became the catalyst for his book series and the cornerstone for this book. A trip to St. Paul’s Cathedral in London inspired him to embark on a deeper quest for spiritual renewal; one that he now invites you join him on as you dive into lessons, reflections and meaningful inspiration.

Are You Ready?

Renewal is an inward movement of the spirit, yet it forms and shapes all aspects of life. For Christians seeking a personal journey of renewal, this book will encourage you to learn from St. Paul’s witness and use it as a framework to help you:
• Learn from his conversion. Paul becomes a changed man after his encounter with the resurrected Jesus and you too, have the opportunity to seek new life in Christ.
• Learn from his conversation. Conversion opens the door to a conversation, often times beginning with God planting an eternal question within.
• Learn from his conviction. Transformation of the mind leads to renewal and setting our minds on things that are above as we listen to the heartbeat of our journey.

Cathy was a big help encouraging me with my first book on the importance of vision. She then helped me cast a vision for the second book which is on the renewal of the mind. As a result, Cathy encouraged me to write a third book and wrap them together as a “Spiritual Growth” program for churches. My mind is renewed thanks to the coaching from Cathy and helping my books get legs with podcasts and speaking engagements and social media even in the midst of a pandemic! I now am writing a third book which is under contract for publication this summer and it is amazing how far I have travelled with the ongoing guidance and direction from Cathy Fyock.

To order your copy follow this link.

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