Becoming an Empathetic Writer

At Influence–the annual convention for the National Speakers Association–I heard many of the speakers discuss the importance of empathy in developing client relationships, and I began to think about the importance of empathy in writing nonfiction. When you approach topics with empathy, you communicate complex ideas in a way that resonates, making your work more accessible and impactful. Empathy also …

Creating a Creative Audio Book: A Case Study

When Allie Pleiter and I wrote our most recent book, Writer Crisis Hotline, we had a clear vision for the book’s content and format. We wrote it in the style of a Dear Abby help column, with aspiring authors writing to us about their most challenging writing obstacles. These challenges were taken from our work as book coaches with clients …

The Desire to Write

“If the desire to write is not accompanied by actual writing, then the desire is not to write” ― Hugh Prather, Notes to Myself: My Struggle to Become a Person I disagree with Mr. Prather! I know that some of you desire to write because you want to grow your business, to become a thought leader, to expand your influence, …

Adding Characters in Your Nonfiction Book

“Do I really need characters in my nonfiction book?” Only if you want to engage your readers! Characters are pivotal in your stories, case studies, and examples–the vehicles in which you engage the reader and allow the abstract message to become real and tangible. Characters are the players in your stories about your clients, colleagues, and about you; they are …

Anything worth doing is worth doing. Period.

It’s been said that anything worth doing is worth doing well, or, that anything worth doing is worth doing poorly, but I suggest that anything worth doing is worth doing. Period. Were you great at anything the first time you attempted a new task? It’s unlikely. Did any of the great Masters paint a masterpiece when they first sat down to …

Writing Around the Write Space

White space is negative space. The part left blank. The space between the elements. In the graphic arts, white space is an integral component of the design. In music, the rests between the notes creates space and clarity. In speaking, the use of the pause allows the listener to grasp the punchline or the moral of the story. And so …

Behind the Scenes: Organizing a Successful Book Festival Booth

I had the opportunity to attend and exhibit at the Sunshine Book Festival in Gainesville on January 27, and I learned a lot about how to attract readers and maximize your return on investment. Here are some of the learning tips I identified. First, consider your goals for the fair. Do you want to maximize book sales? Do you want …

Building Your Email List: Essential Strategy for Authors

Why should authors care about building an email list? As an author, you want to sell books and build your business. It’s critical to grow your tribe of those who are eager for your content and are fans of your approach and voice. As you write more books or develop other products and services, having a list of those who …

Confessions of a Book Coach

If you had told my younger self that I would someday be a book coach, I would have laughed. I don’t like to write, and I think that writing is very hard work. And yet, here I am, celebrating my 10th year as a book coach, having helped more than 230 professionals become published authors, and having written my 12th book. Before …

What’s Your Writing Plan for the Holidays?

As a book coach, you might think that my advice for your writing goals over the holidays might be to write as much as you possibly can. And while that advice might hold true for some clients, it likely wouldn’t be true for all my clients. Let me explain. I believe that every writer should be extremely intentional about their …