Storytelling for Authors with Kelly Swanson

Kelly Swanson is the Queen of Storytelling! As a long-term member of NSA, she has received the distinction of being named a CPAE–the highest honor for NSA members. At the NSA convention in Orlando in July, Kelly did a main-stage presentation on storytelling, then conducted a breakout where she analyzed stories of participants, providing amazing results. She will do the …

Behind the Scenes: Organizing a Successful Book Festival Booth

I had the opportunity to attend and exhibit at the Sunshine Book Festival in Gainesville on January 27, and I learned a lot about how to attract readers and maximize your return on investment. Here are some of the learning tips I identified. First, consider your goals for the fair. Do you want to maximize book sales? Do you want …

Building Your Email List: Essential Strategy for Authors

Why should authors care about building an email list? As an author, you want to sell books and build your business. It’s critical to grow your tribe of those who are eager for your content and are fans of your approach and voice. As you write more books or develop other products and services, having a list of those who …

Confessions of a Book Coach

If you had told my younger self that I would someday be a book coach, I would have laughed. I don’t like to write, and I think that writing is very hard work. And yet, here I am, celebrating my 10th year as a book coach, having helped more than 230 professionals become published authors, and having written my 12th book. Before …

What’s Your Writing Plan for the Holidays?

As a book coach, you might think that my advice for your writing goals over the holidays might be to write as much as you possibly can. And while that advice might hold true for some clients, it likely wouldn’t be true for all my clients. Let me explain. I believe that every writer should be extremely intentional about their …

You’re Not Broken: Writing with ADHD by Cathy Kirch

Note: A special thank you to Cathy Kirch for contributing this article and participating my my Master Class. More than anything, I wanted to finish my book. I tried to do all the “right things”: scheduling time to write, setting lofty word-count goals, devising intricate reward systems. Every night, I went to bed determined to spend the next day writing… …

The People-Pleasers Guide to Co-Parenting Well: How to Stop Playing Peacekeeper and Start Parenting Peacefully with Mikki Gardner

The People-Pleasers Guide to Co-Parenting Well reveals how prioritizing peacekeeping may hinder your ability to co-parent successfully. Through a simple framework, you will learn where people pleasing may be holding you back and how to shift into being an intentional, in-control, and purpose-driven parent. The People-Pleasers Guide to Co-Parenting Well will show you how to: Stop being the peacekeeper and start parenting …