About Face: How Airway Dentistry Can Open Your Path to Healing and Wellbeing with Sheryl Pomerance

90% of the population reaches adulthood with underdeveloped midfaces and lower jaws. This causes lots of crowding—the teeth, tongue, tonsils, and adenoids are crowded. The nasal septum deviates to one side or the other, ears get congested. The airway is restricted, and the body responds by shifting into the Sympathetic Nervous System. Living in low-level sympathetic mode erodes health. This …

Building a Dream: The Persimmon Ridge Story with Lawren Just

What would it take for you to make your dreams a reality? Most people have a vision of what they would like to do in their life or what they would like to be. For many, the reality is that we become what our circumstances allow, whether because of upbringing, schooling, life situations, or needing to earn a living. Few …

Unbranded with Henrietta Pepper

Henrietta Pepper’s UNBRANDED: Emerge a Brand New You offers readers a unique approach to discovering and strengthening their personal brand. Her methodology encourages reflection and exploration rather than adopting cookie-cutter concepts. Henrietta understands that personal branding is a deeply individual process, thus readers will be able to harness their own journey of self-discovery with the help of essential guidelines. Through thought-provoking exercises …

When Work Works: Cutting-Edge Solutions for the Contemporary Workplace

Did you know that having a book will help you build your business? Would you like to “be the person who wrote the book” on your topic? Are you interested in writing a book but find the idea intimidating? Join with other aspiring authors to create your first or next book! About When Work Works: Cutting-Edge Solutions for the Contemporary Workplace …