Looking for original programming for your next HR conference or program?

Cathy Fyock’s original play, And Other Duties As Assigned, was performed as the opening keynote for the KY SHRM Conference to high accolades! “Delightful.” “Informative and entertaining.” “Very real.” “So funny and energetic. Very creative way to portray a typical day in HR!”  “Great actors and relevant to HR issues. Very entertaining.” “Wonderful! It was a very realistic portrayal of the …

Buy it. Read it. Use it.

Last week I was meeting with a new client, and he asked me a powerful question. “Cathy, I basically know what concepts I want to share in my nonfiction book. But, how do I get my target reader to first buy it, then read it, then use it?” What a great question! Aren’t those the issues we’re all trying to …

On Your Own Terms by Lee Quinn and Lewis Rudy

On Your Own Terms: Building a Sustainable, Value-Creating Business will change your professional life on a scale you can’t begin to fathom, using the MORE (Master of Reverse Engineering) process. Lee Quinn and Lewis Rudy explain the power of the MORE concept and teach you to draw information from your business as you address changes in real time to produce an …

The Power of YES! in Innovation by Shawn Nason with Stephan Junion

How you view your customers, your team, your consumer’s experience, and your priorities is about to change. The Power of YES! in Innovation encourages you to navigate your business with a renewed and deeper understanding of the benefits of innovation and the enthusiastic embrace of every opportunity. This book is not meant to spawn “yes men” and “yes women.” It …

Become an Author Through Anthologies

What are the benefits of writing a chapter in an anthology? Plenty! The 80+ authors who have participated in Silver Tree Publishing anthologies, and especially the more than 15 authors who have participated in more than one anthology, have found great benefit in writing a chapter and having their name on the cover of a professional book. Here are some …