Welcome to My Life: A Personal Parenting Journey Through Autism with Laurie Hellmann

Welcome to My Life shares the 14-year journey of a true warrior mom advocating for her non-verbal, severely autistic son from diagnosis through his teenage years. This brutally honest and heartwarming account details the daily struggles and often lack of social understanding that families face when raising a child who relies on parental assistance for every need. Experience the laughter and love, unspoken bonds and unflagging devotion of one very special family. And be changed forever by the knowledge that a mother’s love knows no bounds, and that autism — though it presents various challenges — does not define who a person is nor does it devalue or diminish their contributions to this world.

The writing process can be overwhelming and scary, but working with a knowledgeable and supportive book coach like Cathy made for a smooth and exciting journey. Cathy helped me connect the dots with the many ideas and thoughts swirling around in my head and encouraged me to effectively put them in written form for a remarkable end product. In addition, her expertise on the various publishing strategies provided me with the confidence I needed to select the best publisher for my memoir.

To order your book, follow this link.

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