Addicted to Perfect with Vitale Buford

Author Vitale Buford spent nearly three decades of her life in the web of perfection. The roots of her perfection were born in her childhood – she had a dysfunctional home-life fraught with alcoholism, workaholism and shame. This combination created an environment of neglect, where the only way Vitale got attention was to be perfect. She was praised for being an “easy child,” “pretty,” and “self-motivated,” so that’s what she tried to be. Her need for perfection and outside success was coupled with her body image obsession. It was also a distraction from the pain of abandonment and loneliness she experienced in her childhood. It was the perfect storm – she tied her self-worth to her external success and her appearance, and hence, her addiction to perfection was born.

Cathy was beyond incredible to work with – I wouldn’t have been able to complete my book without her! Her guidance, knowledge, and accountability are what helped me to the finish line. She is a person of character and she really cares about her clients and believes in them. It was an honor working with her – she’s amazing!

To purchase the book, follow this link.

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