Take Your Reader with You on Your Journey

Have you ever found yourself disengaged from an otherwise compelling story? Recently I heard an excellent speaker tell his story about overcoming incredible adversity. While it was an absorbing story well-told, I found myself feeling disengaged. Why? I contemplated this question, and I realized that not once did that speaker include me in that story. Yes, it was HIS story. …

After the VIP Writing Experience: Amazon International Best-Seller!

In November 2021, Denise Gabel invested in a VIP Writing Experience with book coach Cathy Fyock at her home in Punta Gorda, Florida. Denise flew home with a first draft of her manuscript. But what’s the “rest of the story”? Denise left the session and signed with Everett O’Keefe at Ignite Press, and together they published Denise’s book that launched …

September Visual Writing Prompts

Need a little inspiration for your next writing project? Look no further! First, think about the thesis for your project, then review this image and find the connection. What does this image symbolize for your reader? Put 5, 10, or 15 minutes on the clock and GO! Now you’ve got the start for a new post or a new approach …

August Visual Writing Prompts

Are you interested in more visual writing prompts to spark your writing? Here are ten prompts to help you generate fresh content and exercise those writing muscles! August Image Writing Prompts

Tell Me a Story: Lessons Learned from the HR Desk

“What your manuscript needs is more stories.” That’s the number one piece of feedback I offer my clients when reviewing their manuscripts. As writers we know that stories are central to our craft. Stories instruct, provide context, and perfectly illustrate the truths contained in our narratives. Yet why is it so hard to write a good story? I was thinking …

July Visual Prompts (Courtesy of Daniel Light)

Are you interested in more visual writing prompts to spark your writing? Here are ten prompts to help you generate fresh content and exercise those writing muscles! July Visual Prompts 2022.pptx

Five Reasons Listicles Work with Guest Contributor Kevin Williamson

Everyone knows what a listicle is. Even if you can’t quite define the term, you know a listicle when you see one. Still, definitions help. So what, exactly, is a listicle? A listicle is a list with enough enriching copy to count as an article. It is extremely common, though not mandatory, for a listicle headline to include the number …

How and When to Research for Your Book

Often, when signing up new clients for book coaching, they say that they will get busy on their research. My response: Stop! Do not research! I’m pretty emphatic about this, and I tell my clients that jumping in to do research as you begin to write your book is really an exercise in productive procrastination—putting off the thing you most …

Own It: The Transformational Power of Authorship

Sometimes I think I oversell the value of writing a book. I often say that your book is “magic” and can do supernatural things for your career or business. And then, when I speak with new authors and hear their transformational stories, I think perhaps I haven’t sold the ROI of writing a book enough! There are the obvious benefits …