To Whom It May Concern

To whom it may concern:
I will no longer listen to you. You are the voice that reminds me of all the failures (real or perceived) in my life and my business. I now know that not only are you wrong but the things you say are completely baseless. I know not from whence you came, whether you are from my father and not being “good enough” or having this feeling from growing up and all the things that come with it. No matter where your voice sprang from, I no longer need your input.
From now on, whenever I hear your voice, I will realize it is just you and not a valid argument or criticism. You will not keep me from succeeding in writing my book or becoming a professional, paid speaker. I have a great story to tell and a very interesting way of telling it. People who know much more about this than you have said this and more. I lend their opinion considerably more weight than yours.
While you have had your small victories in the past, I will not take what you say as truth any longer. I will win in writing my book and attaining my goals of becoming a speaker. You are simply a negative voice that I have the choice to tune out. Thank God for that!

Daniel Ledford has spent the last 13 years fighting through two brain surgeries and an incurable genetic disorder.  He was able to put the days he had not enough energy to pull himself off the couch and suffering massive amounts of pain far behind him by using the same steps he discovered to become a top race car driver. He has an incurably curious mind which has led him deep into the cutting edge of science to find the peak mental and physical performance people need to overcome their own roadblocks. You can learn more about his adventures and philosophies at and follow him on Facebook and Twitter.

daniel ledford

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