Broken-Down Jalopies and other Short Stories: Perspective Changes Everything with Sarah Hellmann

Open this book and join Sarah for an introspective look at the many things that unite us as a human race — the shared feelings and experiences and needs that far outnumber the things that divide or differentiate us. With complete candor, Sarah shares her journey with mental illness, addiction, and the transformative power of guiding others through their struggles. Join her on a car ride home from prison, find freedom through forgiveness, explore hope as a divine virtue, and learn to celebrate your own genius. Discover generosity of spirit through a shared bag of Funyuns and learn her father’s four simple rules to live by. And, in the end, gain an understanding of how perspective can lead you to a happier and more peaceful life.

Before meeting Cathy, writing a book was just a dream I had. Now, I have a published book I am proud of. It wouldn’t have been possible without Cathy’s knowledge and gentle guidance from conception to completion.

To purchase this book, follow this link.

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