Is your love of the idea of having a book stopping you from writing it?

Cathy with newborn book2014 - cropped resized

When I asked why they hadn’t written their books, that same woman raised her hand again. “I’m afraid,” she said. “While I really like the idea of having a book, I’m scared about writing a book.”

I agree. As many of you know, I’m not one who was told by my teachers that I should explore a career in writing. One teacher even told me that I couldn’t write.

And, many of you may also know that I hold no love of writing. I don’t relish the time it takes to write (even this short blog!).

But, I love the reality of having a book—of having written a book.

Some of you may have seen my Facebook post with me proudly holding my “baby” book, with the caption, “I may never be a Nana, but there is joy in holding my newborn baby book!”

Having written a book has many benefits: it can be your calling card, your ticket of admission to speaking engagements, an opportunity to grab media attention, and a way to establish your thought-leadership and expertise.  Having a book is great.

Writing a book is hard work. But, as I’ve told many of you, it can be done.  You’ve got to turn your desire into reality by putting together a plan, scheduling regular writing time, and progressing bit by bit, day by day toward the goal line.

Remember, as Kevin and I say in On Your Mark: “Whatever fantasies you have for this book, nurture them. They will help convert your stress into positive motivation.” #OnYourMarkBook

It’s perfectly normal to love the idea of having a book, but ultimately, if you want to have a book, you must embark upon the journey to write your book. Is today the day you begin the journey?

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