HR Bookless Club (1 Year)


Here is a group of HR and business professionals in Louisville, KY who have been gathering for the past ten years to discuss HR and business issues, and they call themselves the HR Book(less) Club.

Why “book(less)” you ask?

When the group first started, they picked important business books, and each month many professionals attended their meetings, enjoying the chance to discuss the issues over a relaxed setting with wine and cheese. However, as time went on, fewer and fewer people attended.

Why are you dropping out? I asked.

I’ve got too much on my plate, and while I know I should be reading these important business books, I just don’t have time. I can’t come to the meeting if I haven’t read the book.

Then, one brilliant leader suggested that instead of everyone reading the book, why doesn’t one person read the book, provide a high-level report, and facilitate a discussion about the book’s issues?

And thus was born the idea of the HR Book(less) Club!

Soon my friends from outside the area complained that they, too, wanted to join in the fun. Voila! We’re now offering a virtual version of the HR Book(less) Club to professionals across the globe.


What’s the deal?

It’s a one-year membership program. For an introductory price of just $149 per year (with a rolling subscription) you’ll have access to 10 book club meetings, each led by an author and/or thought leader.

Club meetings will generally held Tuesday or Thursday at 7pm eastern, and all sessions will be recorded so your schedule doesn’t get in the way. Each month you’ll receive notice about the upcoming meeting date and author.

Each club meeting will offer 1 hour of SHRM recertification credit when you attend the live program. (Pending Finalization)

The best part: this is intended to be a participatory event where you will be able to share ideas and ask questions of one another and the author/thought leader. And, you’re free to join us from your office or home, preferably with your favorite after-work beverage of choice.
